Roman Trumpe l'oeil: Rachel Maddow

{quote}These things just don’t disappear into the ether. They create precedent. They worm away at the integrity and the basic core functions of the US justice department. Unless or until they are fixed or corrected it just rots the system. This stuff can’t be left to dangle. It has to be tied off.{quote}Quote: Video clip transcript: The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC Jan. 30, 2023.
Rachel Maddow, News Host and Political commentator


"These things just don’t disappear into the ether. They create precedent. They worm away at the integrity and the basic core functions of the US justice department. Unless or until they are fixed or corrected it just rots the system. This stuff can’t be left to dangle. It has to be tied off." 



Quote: Video clip transcript: The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC Jan. 30, 2023.